The Lazy River of Marriage
It’s summer in Texas. It’s hot. People spend a lot of time floating on, around and in pools. I like to spend time in the lazy river, letting the...
Silent Retreat
As some of you know, I recently went on a silent retreat. It was by far one of the best things I have ever done for myself. Although I was a bit...
Too Much of a Good Thing
I love Starbucks. I love the coffee. I love the pastries. One of my most favorite are coffee frappuccinos. I recently decided that since I liked the...
Launching Young Adults from the Nest
At the end of many counseling sessions, I can tell that my clients are happier than when they walked in and they have a renewed sense of hope to...
Living with Regret
Regret. It’s a terrible emotion. It can take hold of your heart and soul. You hardly think of much else but that one thing you wish you had done,...
Domestic Violence and Teenagers
Domestic violence is an issue that many people believe only happens within adult relationships, but sadly it frequently occurs in relationships...
Surrending to Setbacks
I am currently doing one of my least favorite things in all of creations – riding in a car for an extended period of time. I can’t stand road trips....
Letting Go
There is a phenomenon in counseling that is very real and hard to understand how it happens. For years, I and other therapists, have noticed that we...
“Stop-It” Therapy/Pastoral Counseling
Don’t ever participate in “Stop-It” therapy or pastoral counseling. How will you know if you have a “Stop-It” therapist or counseling pastor? He or...
Our thoughts influence our emotions
Pay attention to how your mood is affected by the things you are thinking about The power of our thoughts is incredible and sometimes...
A Parent’s Influence
Be a better parent and spouse than your parents were - even if they were great - but especially if they were not Most people know that their parents...
Is Self-Care Selfish?
Taking good care of ourselves - before we care for others - is not selfish. It's smart and healthy As a therapist, I work with many people who are...
Are you Better or Bitter?
Reflect for a moment on whether any unfortunate circumstances you have faced in life have made you a better person on the other side of it - or a...
Interpreting our children’s behaviors
"The art of good parenting revolves around the interpretation of behavior" - Dr. James Dobson (The Strong Willed Child) Being a parent is an amazing...
An Effective Apology
Think back over the last year-what is something that you should have apologized for but never did.....go do it right now Why is apologizing so hard?...