“Stop-It” Therapy/Pastoral Counseling

Don’t ever participate in “Stop-It” therapy or pastoral counseling. How will you know if you have a “Stop-It” therapist or counseling pastor? He or she will point out the error of your behavior and immediately tell you that you just have to stop it. Stop looking at...

Our thoughts influence our emotions

Pay attention to how your mood is affected by the things you are thinking about  The power of our thoughts is incredible and sometimes misunderstood. Do a little test yourself – sit quietly and begin thinking about a wonderful memory. Engulf yourself within the...

A Parent’s Influence

Be a better parent and spouse than your parents were – even if they were great – but especially if they were not Most people know that their parents greatly influenced them but few people really understand how influential a parent is – that is until...

Is Self-Care Selfish?

Taking good care of ourselves – before we care for others – is not selfish. It’s smart and healthy As a therapist, I work with many people who are extremely busy. Busy with careers, kids, relationships, extended family, hobbies, community...

Are you Better or Bitter?

Reflect for a moment on whether any unfortunate circumstances you have faced in life have made you a better person on the other side of it – or a more bitter person. It’s usually one or the other Life just somehow has a way of running us over and at times,...